Running Coaching

Work on your form, approach and technique.

Running has plenty of benefits when done properly


A tailored training programme and comprehensive support that reflect your personal circumstances and your overall targets.


One tendency runners fail for is to extend their stride in the hope of getting faster. The length of a runner's stride impacts too little in their running speed if not done correctly. It is also about the rhythm and frequency of each stride.


Accumulating miles week in and week out seem to be the only way to build up endurance. We encourage runners to have a long run every fortnight for a runner can improve their running speed and endurance without running.


Running is a 3-spatial movement. Most runners reckon that running is done solely by the legs. We need to consider: left and right, front and back and up and down. Our muscles are part of a massive and dynamic kinetic chain.


The more we know about our bodies the better we can be prepared to use it efficiently. We need to pay attention to its signs and act upon them distinguishing when some calls are just a false alarm.


Whatever small step we manage to exert, it will take us closer to our destination. We need to be patient with ourselves and advance steadily. It is much better to start slow and learn to move properly.


Every single activity can give us a lot of information that we can use to improve ourselves. We just need to pay attention to our performance within the circumstances of the moment and place.


There are a few principles for running that will benefit most runners when applying them correctly. However, every runner has a full set of variables that need to be addressed on a personal level.


The mechanics of running can be matched with practicing other sports. It helps marvels to runners the fact of doing other activities that improve their posture and balance; dancing for instance.


If we see our body as a vehicle, out mindset is the driver. And we need to train this driver in order to maximise the efficiency of the performance of the vehicle. It is the driver who ultimately decides how fast the vehicle goes.

Running provides many health benefits to its practictioners. Particularly due to the fact that running improves circulation. The flow of oxygen a runner gets thoughout their body helps to cleanse the body of toxins, to regulate hormonal production and to fight against foreign particles that might cause harm.

But it is the mental and emotional benefit that most help people running. The act of running in itself is a tough activity that demands lots of our body but it is the demand on the mind of the runner that makes it even tougher.

Therefore, running allow us to get a balance between our physical self and our spiritual self - the essence of the mind.

At My Monthly Marathon we are open to new alternatives and procedures that might help a runner into achieving their running goal.

There are as many approaches to running as there are styles. Some look prettier to the eye than others but in the end, every single one takes the runner to cross the line.

Our mission is to make that journey more efficient and enjoyable.


In a few days time My Monthly Marathon is to start offering Sport Massage Services. Go to this page to learn about it

My Monthly Marathon's team are working towards securing quite an interesting holiday promotion to be given as a gift to those who purchase training packages. Contact us for further information


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