Personal Training

Work on your power, strength and endurance.

Exercising brings plenty of benfits to the human body.


A comprehensive insight into the most efficient form and the right technique tailored to your exercising routine in order to maximise results.


The human body operates three different energy systems continuously in order to provide its cells with energy. Learning how to challenge each energy threshold is key to develop the necessary adaptations to get the most out of them.


In order to improve we need to challenge ourselves. To step out of our comfort zones and face the unknown, the painful, the uncomfortable; making it our way of living. Then we notice that our performance suddenly improve.


Our mind operates logically, that is why providing a reason for doing a physical activity boosts the possibilities of seeing such an activity done. Some people prefer to award themselves with instant prizes while others prefer long term rewards. 


The human body has a marvellous adaptability. If we challenge it enough under a controlled environment, our body will respond according to expectations. But we have to challenge it constantly, do one more rep for example.


We have a self preservetation instinct that kicks in when we are doing something that is considered threatening to our integrity. It takes a lot of energy, mental energy to convince ourselves that continuing is the way to go.


What we consume, when and how determines about the 90% of our performance. Therefore, it is crucial to learn how our bodies respond to the intake of food before and after a physical activity and make adjustments accordingly.

We all need that third voice telling us, motivating us, persuading us that we can make it. Our confidence gets a boost when someone else yell at us "You can do this". We seem to put on an extra gear and go for it.

The human body is a wonderful piece of kit capable of astonishing feats. What normally stop us from doing extraordinary things is ourselves. Our lack of confidence.

One of the best ways to boost our confidence in a healthy and organic way is by knowing. On top of being acquainted with the theory behind a certain movement or exercise we also need to know, to experience the way of carrying it out. Paying attention to all its stages, beginning, middle and the end of it.

The more we know about something the more confident we become.


In a few days time My Monthly Marathon is to start offering Sport Massage Services. Go to this page to learn about it

My Monthly Marathon's team are working towards securing quite an interesting holiday promotion to be given as a gift to those who purchase training packages. Contact us for further information


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